Hotel Ormond Cupola
The Cupola, located in Fortunato Park at the northeast corner of the Granda Bridge, is the only remaining structure of the old Hotel Ormond. The hotel was located east of John Anderson Drive on Granada Boulevard from 1887 to 1992. The Ormond Heritage Condominium now occupies that site. The Cupola stood atop the hotel's roof near the center of the sprawling structure. From this lofty perch, hotel guests could take in both ocean and river views.

The Hotel Ormond Cupola
When the Hotel Ormond was demolished in 1992, the Cupola was taken to a salvage yard on the mainland along with the rest of the demolition debris. Long-time Historical Society members, Parker and Jane Robinson, led the preservation efforts to rescue the Cupola. After the successful campaign to preserve it, the structure was put on a flatbed truck and brought to its current location as the centerpiece in Fortunato Park. Photographs, memorabilia, and information about the history of the Hotel Ormond and the Cupola are on display on the first floor of the building. A large painting by local artist Betty Krausman shows a view of the Hotel Ormond from a photograph taken on its opening day in 1888.
The weather vane at the peak of the roof was installed in 2006 in memory of Parker Robinson Jr. It was designed by architect and Ormond Beach resident T.P. Plimpton and sculpted by local metal artist Larry Dewall.
Just outside the door to the Cupola is the brass historical marker that stood for many years outside the Hotel Ormond, designating the hotel as a historic landmark. It had also been rescued from the demolition debris. Stop by the Cupola for a glimpse of Ormond Beach's past as a winter playground of the rich and famous.
The Cupola is open to the public Saturdays and Sunday, September through May, from
2-4 pm. A knowledgeable OBHS docent will be able to give you more background
and information. Admission is free.